Terraform for AWS

Published: by Creative Commons Licence

Use Terrform for creating AWS Infrastructure.

You can use Terraform to create many types of AWS infrastructure like new EC2 instances.

There are many ways to accomplish this and this is how I did it.

File Structure:

  • main.tf <— main Terraform file
  • variables.tf <— variables used by Terraform
  • terraform.tfvars <— secret values like AWS credentials
  • ./vars/main.yaml <— used by Ansible (optional)
  • ./roles/whatever/tasks/main.yaml <— Ansible tasks (optional)

make sure that terraform.tfvars gets placed in your .gitignore file because you don’t want this info broadcasted anywhere.

Format the file terraform.tfvars as below (replacing the quoted entries) :

aws_access_key = "ENTER-YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-HERE"
aws_secret_key = "ENTER-YOUR-SECRET-KEY-HERE"